The point of this page is to reduce the previous clutter on Page 1 and to provide direct links to
more of what is available on the site than the small amount that was previously listed on page 1.
If you JUST want to see pics of wood, go back to page 1
The sub-pages and articles on this site that are the most useful and interesting include:
- for wood identification:
- WOOD IDENTIFICATION THROUGH ANATOMY --- a massively illustrated discourse on wood anatomy as it is available to the average woodworker in a personal workspace, NOT a science lab. This includes over 2,700 end grain images which represent the most accurate way for the average woodworker to identify a mystery wood
- THE ROSEWOODS --- an illustrated discussion of the rosewoods and some substitutes
- Some wood distinctions:
- for general information about the look of wood:
- FIGURE AND GRAIN --- an extensive list of the types of figure and grain in wood and discussions of their causes, with links to the illustrations of them shown in the glossary
- THE LOOK OF PROCESSED WOOD --- an illustrated list of most of the terms that one is likely to encounter when discussing the way wood looks, and a brief discussion to go along with the image, and even more importantly, links more extensive discussions given in the glossary
- WOOD TERMS DEFINED, DISCUSSED, AND ILLUSTRATED --- many terms having to do with the ways in which woods are categorized by appearance, and some other wood related terms, are explained and illustrated with pictures, cartoons, and my usual uninformed remarks and wise cracks.
- other:
- ILLUSTRATED GLOSSARY OF WOOD AND WOODWORKING TERMS --- A highly cross-referenced and heavily illustrated glossary of wood and woodworking terms. There are breakouts of groups of terms such as fastener terms, joinery terms, etc which are all in the main glossary but which are broken out additionally into sub-glossaries of just those types of terms.
- WOOD NAME DATABASE --- a free, down-loadable Windows application front end to a database of some 26,000 wood species and the 140,000 common names that are associated with them. Various types of search features are included.
- FOUR WAYS TO LOOK AT THE MAIN PAGE --- the old "standard" ways of looking at the main page of this site has now been upgraded to include several different ways. You might find it worthwhile to check these out.
- SITE MAP --- a discussion, with links, about what's on this site
other miscellaneous articles:
acknowledgments --- When folks send me wood samples or contribute pics or information to the site, I always give credit with the specific item on the page where it is inserted but this is a broader thanks to them, including people who have helped this site by donating information, many of whom have provided helpful and informative discussions of why it is they believe (usually correctly) I don't know my ass from an arrdvark.
bogus color vendor --- a discussion of the absolute master of misrepresentation of wood
color correction, digital cameras, eBay pictures, etc. --- a discussion of why I started this site in the first place and why you may not get what you think you are buying if you buy wood on eBay or from Internet vendors.
computer monitors and colors --- a discussion of why you are likely to see pretty much what I see when I post pics to this site (but I could be wrong)
end grain --- a discussion of the end grain pics found on this site
end grain UPDATE --- an update to the discussion of the end grain pics found on this site using a newer technique
general discussion about this site --- A discussion of the purpose, methodology, and goals of this site.
image files, how they are handled on this site --- a detailed description of how I manipulate images for this site and why I do so.
image files for posting --- How to set up image files for posting on web sites.
links to other non-commercial wood sites --- I sometimes get requests from commercial sites to "swap" links, that is "I'll reference yours if you'll reference mine and then we both come out ahead on Google". I don't do that. I DO list a few sites that are not commercial and that are helpful to woodworkers.
MYSTERY WOODS --- a page of woods that are in need of identification
prejudices (mine) and how they affect this site --- A brief discussion of why it is that if you use stain to change the color of wood I will hunt you down and hurt you, and other personal rants.
site history --- Notes about the stages the site has gone through over the years.
SITE MAP --- a discussion, with links, about what's on this site
site statistics --- A page of statistics about the site that is automatically generated every time I run the software that recreates the site, which I do fairly often to accomdate whatever new pics I have added.
standards --- This site doesn't use standards much but it's a topic I'm interested in and this is a great description of how they evolve.
acronyms and abbreviations --- a fairly extensive list of the acronyms used in woodworking (but NOT including social-media type acronyms such as "LOL")
aggregate rays --- a few some woods (aspen and hornbeam in particular) have occasional extremely enlarged rays that are groups of normal rays
book reviews --- reviews of some books on wood
coffee tree vs honey locust --- a discussion of the characteristics of each and how you can tell them apart.
color changes in wood --- a discussion of the kinds of color changes that occur in woods, what causes them and what, if anything, can be done to prevent them.
common names and botanical names of wood --- a discussion of how common names, botanical names, and trade names used for woods are created. See also wood names
The ebonies --- a discussion of the genus Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae, the ebony family
"figure" and "grain" --- a discussion of these commonly used terms and how I use them (includes an extensive discussion of their causes)
GLOSSARY --- A heavily illustrated glossary of wood and woodworking terms with hyperlink cross-references among terms.
Janka hardness scale --- A scientific method for measuring the hardness of various woods.
the look of processed wood --- images of the various ways processed wood looks
laminated bowls --- my personal hobby, aside from this site. At some point, probably late in the summer of '06, I am going to start offering some of these up for sale, as I have about run out of friends and relatives to give them away to and they are beginning to clutter up my house. JULY '06 --- I have now put up the bowl-sale site, which you can find here:
lumber prices --- In the summer of 2008 I compiled a list of prices of some of the most readily available domestic and exotic woods from a number of vendors that advertise their price lists on the internet. This is just intended as a rough general guide to the range of prices you might encounter for those woods. It is not exhaustive and I do not intend to keep it up to date.
sycamore / lacewood / leopardwood / silky oak / and the kitchen sink --- a discussion of name confusion among some woods with large ray flakes.
mahogany names (Swietenia and Khaya species) --- A discussion of mahogany names including "true", "genuine", and "American" in addition to the more formal names and a discussion of the history of mahoganies in the Americas.
The oaks; red / white / live --- a discussion of how to tell red from white and how to tell the live oaks from the rest.
The rosewoods --- an illustrated discussion of the rosewoods and some substitutes
satinwood --- a discussion of the various woods that have "satinwood" as all or part of one or more of their common names, and the two that actually ARE satinwood.
toxicity of woods --- a table and some links to wood toxicity information, to help you figure out why you have that incredible rash that's making everyone stare at you.
truncated rays --- In compression wood, normal rays are often reduced to very short segments.
wood identification using wood anatomy --- A heavily illustrated guide to those aspects of wood anatomy that can be used in the shop with nothing more than your eyes, a sander, and a 10X loupe (and if you're lucky, JUST your eyes) to identify different kinds of wood.
wood name database --- A Windows database application sitting on top of a database of 170,000 wood name pairs (botanical and common) that is a free download from this site.
wood names and buying wood --- a discussion of botanical names / common names / trade names as they relate to identifying and buying wood. See also common names and botanical names of wood
wood terms defined, discussed, and illustrated --- many terms having to do with the ways in which woods are categorized by appearance, and some other wood related terms, are explained and illustrated with pictures, cartoons, and my usual uninformed remarks and wise cracks.
wenge vs panga panga --- a discussion of the similarites and differences in appearance of wenge and panga panga, two closely related species from the genus Millettia.
veneers for sale --- although nothing on the site you are currently exploring is for sale, I do sell veneer on eBay (user name "HobbitHouse") and I also sell well-described veneer sheets at this link. This is a hobby-level effort, not a business, and any profits there are used to support this site and buy more veneer to take pictures of for this site.
veneer creation and buying guide --- A discussion about veneer; how it's made, some of its normal characteristics, and what it should cost you under various conditions.
WOOD NAME DATA SETS --- various sets of botanical/common names
ash species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the ash species (genus Fraxinus) of North America and their English-language common names
aspen and poplar species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the aspens & poplars (Genus Populus) of North America and their English-language common names
elm species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the elm spieces (genus Ulmus) of North America and their English-language common names
fir species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the fir spieces (genus Abies) of North America and their English-language common names
maple species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the maple species (genus Acer) of North America and their English-language common names
oak species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the oak species (genus Quercus) of North America and their English-language common names
pine species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the pine species (genus Pinus) of North America and their English-language common names
spruce species --- a set of lists (one by species, one by common name) of the spruce species (genus Picea) of North America and their English-language common names
for a look at my personal hobby (besides this site) click here