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I would like to thank the following people for their help in adding to this site.

A special thanks to David Clark and Mark Peet who have each loaned me many hundreds
of samples to photograph for this site. It is fair to say that their contributions
make the site is FAR better than it could possibly have otherwise been.
Also a special thanks to Steve Earis for numerous pics and much helpful information

Robin Weekley, an avid and enthusiastic member of the IWCS, has been invaluable in helping me track down pictures on the web of obscure woods and she has also given me advice on the technical (botanical) naming of woods.

Jim Glynn, who has contributed numerous planks to the site, and who also suggested the scientifically dubious, but highly entertaining, concept that the color streaks in certain woods (e.g. white limba) are the result of bug poop. Jim also gave me a really wonderful huge slab of spalted maple and you can see both it and a bowl I turned from part of it, on the "maple, spalted" page.

Chris Arvidson, who has contributed several planks to the site and also very generously gave me a really wonderful, large, osage orange bowl blank.

Dale Romine, who has contributed numerous small flooring samples.

Neal Kuwabara who has taken the time to alert me to some needed cleanup on the site

Miles Hember who contributed Judas tree pics and interesting correspondence on several woods

Brian Lewis who showed me how to open new pages without closing the current page, and thus, I believe, added significantly to the usefulness of the site because you can now bring up multiple pictures so as to compare woods.

Paul van Rijckevorsel who contributed many species summaries and whose comments in them have been very helpful to me in distinguishing some species and common names.

Peter Kjaer Poulsen who provided me with an electronic copy of an out-of-print Danish book that has botanical and common names for 1001 woods

Bill Mudry who has been of enormous help in increasing my understanding of taxonomy

Scotty Drye who has contributed greatly to my understanding of wood anatomy

John Saxon who has contributed wood samples and helpful information

Wade Whitbeck who has generously contributed numerous veneer samples to the site

Daniel Duelen who has contributed numerous veneer sheets and some lumber to the site

Joe Mellon who has contributed samples to the site and who spent many many hours helping me clean up the huge wood name database that is available for free download.

Kevin Jaynes who contributed pics of what I believe to the best stash of flamed box elder in the world, and has also given me advice on other woods AND sent me a terrific box full of box elder. I have also gotten invaluable information for this site from the wood forum WoodBarter which Kevin owns and runs.

Dean Robertson who contributed pics of some amazing earrings that he does (particularly monkey puzzle) plus sent me, in a wood trade, and outstanding box with over 50 species in it.

Danny Tjan who contributed numerous veneer pics that were a nice addition to the site.

David Clark who has given me a lot of good information on Australian woods, including a copy of his DS "Timer in Australia in Color" and who has also loaned me a HUGE number (about 2,000 now) of the formal IWCS sized sample planks that he is collecting for a xylarium in Bejing (it's a long story) so that I could get color correct pics of them for the site.

Steve Earis who has provided me with numerous pics and a plethora of very useful information about numerous woods. Steve's contributions show up on at least 50 of the wood pages of this site.

John Fuher who has provided me with several excellent pics of various species and also has contributed a sample of pink ivory to the site.

Tom Pleatman who gave me permission to lift off the Internet pics of a wide variety of his excellent bowls, showing many North American woods to great advantage.

Mark Peet who has made a huge amount of contributions to the site including (1) the loan of hundreds of formal IWCS sized sample pieces from his collection so that I could get color-correct pics for the site and (2) enormously useful information about numerous woods.

Trevor Brodie who, as part of a Boy Scout project, alerted me to an excellent resource on woodworking (with emphasis on the "working" part).

Many other contributors, both named and unnamed, who have sent wood samples to add to the value of the site. Each of these folks are named (or at least referred to, if they prefer that their names not be used) on the pages containing their contributions.