Cordia trichotoma of the family Boraginacaeae. Also called peterby (various spellings) and Argentine black laurel, this South American wood is used for heavy construction in its native range (Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Brazil).
my samples: NOTE: these pics were all taken in very bright incandescent lighting ("soft white" at 2700K) colors will vary under other lighting conditions
both sides of a sample plank of afata / Cordia trichotoma --- HUGE enlargements are present. This sample was loaned to me by David Clark whom I thank for this and other contributions to the site. The reason for the richer looking color on the 2nd side is that it has been sanded to 240 grit while the labeled side is raw.
end grain and end grain closeup of the piece directly above
both sides of a sample plank of afata / Cordia trichotoma --- HUGE enlargements are present. This sample was loaned to me by David Clark whom I thank for this and other contributions to the site.
end grain and end grain closeup of the piece directly above