Albizia saponaria of the family Fabaceae (syn. Leguminosae) the legume, pea, or bean family
The veneer on this page is all from just a few vendors and I have NO idea what this wood is. The ONLY reference I can find to it is in "The Book of Wood Names" which gives the botanical name shown above. This name was confirmed slightly, however, when I was informed by correspondent "figuredwoods" that this is in the same genera as mimosa and that the flowers on the tree are very similar to mimosa. Mimosa, however, is reported to be quite small (a few inches in diameter) whereas this is apparently (based on the width of the veneer) much larger.
my samples: NOTE: these pics were all taken in very bright incandescent lighting ("soft white" at 2700K) colors will vary under other lighting conditions
veneer sold to me as gogo with no botanical designation
web pics:
veneer, not listed as figured although it obviously is
veneer, all from the same vendor
veneer sheet closeups with both levels of enlargement available --- these are from the same vendor as the set directly above
figured veneer
figured veneer, all from the same vendor
figured veneer sheet closeups with both levels of enlargement available --- these are from the same vendor as the set directly above