Micropholis spp. of the family Sapotaceae, including at least Micropholis gardnerianum and Micropholis venulosa and perhaps others.
I am not familiar with this wood
my samples: NOTE: these pics were all taken in very bright incandescent lighting ("soft white" at 2700K) colors will vary under other lighting conditions
none yet
web pics:
planks --- the red color on the second one seems very unlikely to me, but I cannot say for sure that it is incorrect.
flat sawn veneer --- not sure about color
quartersawn plank
plank listed as curupixa / Micropholis garderianmu
plank listed as curupixa / Micropholis venulosa
quartersawn veneer --- not sure about color
veneer with fairly reasonable color
closeup of a piece of veneer
veneer with definitely incorrect color --- the grain pattern shows nicely in these shots, but the green is totally bogus; the real wood in these pictures is light tan like the pics above which are labeled as having reasonable color
veneer --- I'm sure the green color is incorrect; the wood is probably tan
plain veneer and figured veneer both listed as curupixa / Micropholis crassipedicellata
veneer with yet another color (which to me actually looks more likely than most of what's on this page)
specifically listed as "figured" veneer, but ALL of the veneer seems to be figured this way
uh ... well, I now have an example of veneer that is NOT figured
bookmatched veneer listed as gogo / Mircopholis garderianum
veneer with a red color that I've never personally seen but which I cannot say for sure is incorrect.