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One of the senior moderators on another forum I used to be on, but which has become way too commercial, started a new forum and one of the other senior moderators there joined him, as have other members of that forum (including me) to become moderators on the new forum.

The main reason for starting the new forum was to provide a place where woodworkers can trade wood with each other (selling is also allowed) but the site also has all the other normal wood site subforums (turning, tools, etc). My own role there is primarily to be the resident guesser when folks ask "what wood is this", but I'm also compiling a list of resources for wood identification here: WOOD ID RESOURCES

SO ... particularly if you are interested in trading wood with other woodcrafters, and for just general wood information and discussion, give it a try. Kevin has done a terrific job of creating and maintain the forum and there are LOTS of knowledgeable folks there, and LOTS of pics of great wood to drool at.