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For a full discussion of this table, see FIR IN NORTH AMERICA

preceded by [# of common names]
abies alba [3] baltic whitewood, whitewood, finnish whitewood
abies amabilis [14] western fir, western balsam fir, silver fir, red fir, red silver fir, white fir, pacific silver fir, fir, alpine fir, lovely red fir, lovely silver fir, lovely fir, amabilis fir, cascade fir
abies arizonica [2] western balsam fir, corkbark fir
abies balsamea [19] silver fir, blister pine, silver pine, gilead fir, bracted balsam fir, canadian fir, eastern fir, single pine, single spruce, balsam, canada balsam, canadian balsam, balm-of-gilead, balm-of-gilead fir, balsam fir, blister fir, fir tree, fir, fir pine
abies balsamifera [1] american silver fir
abies bifolia [1] rocky mountain alpine fir
abies borisii-regis [1] king boris's fir
abies bracteata [5] silver fir, santa lucia fir, bristlecone fir, fringed spruce, balsam fir
abies concolor [22] white fir, black gum, rocky mountain white fir, pacific white fir, silver fir, western balsam fir, western fir, bastard pine, balsam tree, balsam, colorado white balsam, white balsam, concolor fir, colorado white fir, concolor silver fir, lows fir, low's white fir, blue fir, balsam fir, california white fir, colorado silver fir, colorado fir
abies denticulata [1] black fir
abies durangensis [3] mexican fir, coahuila fir, durango fir
abies excelsior [1] grand fir
abies fargesii [2] farges fir, faxon fir
abies fraseri [14] silver fir, southern fir, fraser balsam fir, she-balsam fir, southern balsam fir, double spruce, lashorn balsam spruce, fraser fir, balsam, healing balsam, mountain balsam, double balsam fir, eastern fir, balsam fir
abies grandis [20] yellow fir, white fir, western white fir, tall silver fir, silver fir, western balsam fir, western fir, fir, california great fir, balsam fir, balsam, oregon white fir, oregon fir, roughbarked fir, puget sound fir, lowland white fir, grand fir, giant fir, lowland fir, great silver fir
abies heterophylla [1] western hemlock fir
abies lasiocarpa [25] sub alpine fir, western balsam fir, western fir, rocky mountain fir, downy-cone sub alpine fir, downy-cone fir, oregon balsam fir, mountain fir, white, pumpkin tree, corkbark fir, black balsam, oregon balsam tree, western balsam, mountain balsam, balsam, white balsam, balsam fir, arizona corkbark fir, cork fir, caribou fir, arizona cork fir, fir, arizona fir, alpine fir
abies lowiana [1] california white fir
abies magnifica [17] shasta fir, shasta red fir, western fir, red fir, red bark fir, redbark fir, western balsam fir, silvertip, white fir, fir, california red fir, great red fir, magnificent fir, murray fir, california redbark fir, giant red fir, golden fir
abies mangifera [1] shasta fir
abies mariesii [2] maries fir, japanese fir
abies mucronata [1] coastal red fir
abies nobilis [1] noble fir
abies nordmanniana [3] nordmann's fir, crimean fir, caucasian fir
abies pindrow [5] himalayan fir, himalayan silver fir, west himalayan silver fir, silver fir, west himalayan fir
abies pinsapo [6] spanish fir, spanish pendulous, hedgehog fir, moroccan fir, pinsapo fir, blue spanish fir
abies procera [9] red fir, western fir, noble fir, noble red fir, white fir, fir, bracted fir, feather-cone fir, bracted red fir
abies spectabilis [6] india silver fir, webb's himalayan fir, silver fir, east himalayan fir, himalayan silver fir, himalayan fir
abies vejari [1] mexican fir
abies venusta [2] santa lucia fir, bristlecone fir
abies webbiana [1] indian silver fir
pseudotsuga japonica [1] japanese douglas fir
pseudotsuga macrocarpa [7] red fir, large-coned dougla fir, douglas fir, hemlock, douglas bigcone spruce, bigcone spruce, bigcone douglas fir
pseudotsuga menziesii [40] santiam quality fir, yellow fir, yellow douglas fir, rocky mountain douglas fir, oregon douglas fir, pacilic coast douglas fir, red fir, yellow national fir, gray douglas, green douglas, oregon fir, canadian douglas fir, coast fir, coast douglas fir, british columbia douglas fir, black fir, blue douglas fir, colorado douglas fir, inland douglas fir, interior douglas fir, montana fir, goldenrod fir, columbian fir, common douglas fir, douglas fir, red spruce, douglas yew, oregon spruce, spruce, corkbarked douglas spruce, douglas spruce, alpine hemlock, patton's hemlock, british columbia pine, puget sound pine, red pine, oregon pine, british columbian pine, columbian pine, douglas pine
pseudotsuga sinensis [1] chinese douglas fir