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For a full discussion of this table, see ASH IN NORTH AMERICA

preceded by [# of common names]
fraxinus alba [18] river white ash, southern white ash, white ash, quebec ash, red ash, smallseed white ash, american white ash, biltmore ash, biltmore white ash, american ash, ash, green ash, ground ash, mountain ash, gray ash, canadian ash, cane ash, curly ash
fraxinus americana [18] river white ash, southern white ash, white ash, quebec ash, red ash, smallseed white ash, american white ash, biltmore ash, biltmore white ash, american ash, ash, green ash, ground ash, mountain ash, gray ash, canadian ash, cane ash, curly ash
fraxinus angustifolia [2] southern ash, narrow-leaved ash
fraxinus anomala [5] lowell ash, single-leaf ash, ash, anomalous ash, dwarf ash
fraxinus berlanderiana [2] mexican ash, berlandier ash
fraxinus berlandieriana [2] mexican ash, berlandier ash
fraxinus biltmoreana [1] biltmore ash
fraxinus caroliniana [6] water florida ash, florida ash, carolina ash, pop ash, water ash, swamp ash
fraxinus commemoralis [2] ash, asiatic ash
fraxinus cuspidata [2] fragrant ash, flowering ash
fraxinus dipetala [7] fringe-flowered ash, foothill ash, two-petal ash, mountain ash, california flowering ash, california shrub ash, flowering ash
fraxinus excelsior [21] italian olive ash, hungarian ash, himalayan ash, olive ash, polish ash, oregon ash, one-leaved ash, french ash, black ash, belgian ash, ash, common ash, european ash, english ash, dark heart olive ash, swedish ash, spanish ash, slavonian ash, vanlig ash, weeping ash, vanlig's ash
fraxinus floribunda [1] himalayan ash
fraxinus gooddingii [1] goodding ash
fraxinus greggii [3] gregg ash, dogleg ash, littleleaf ash
fraxinus griffithii [2] philippine ash, indonesian ash
fraxinus holotricha [1] yeddo ash
fraxinus illinoensis [1] pecan ash
fraxinus japonica [2] ash, japanese ash
fraxinus latifolia [4] oregon ash, basket ash, white ash, water ash
fraxinus mandshurica [4] curly ash, asiatic ash, ash, japanese ash
fraxinus mariesii [1] chinese flowering ash
fraxinus micrantha [1] ash
fraxinus nigra [10] swamp ash, water ash, splinter ash, american black ash, basket ash, ash, canadian ash, hoop ash, black ash, brown ash
fraxinus obliqua [1] bolivian ash
fraxinus oregona [1] oregon ash
fraxinus ornus [5] manna-ash, flowering ash, manna ash, european flowering ash, european scrub ash
fraxinus oxyphylla [1] ash
fraxinus papillosa [1] chihuahua ash
fraxinus pauciflora [1] florida ash
fraxinus pennsylvanica [20] white ash, soft ash, river ash, water ash, swamp ash, rim ash, black ash, bastard ash, brown ash, blue ash, american ash, ash, profunda water ash, piss ash, red ash, pumpkin ash, darlington ash, canadian ash, green ash, gray ash
fraxinus platycarpa [3] water ash, carolina ash, arkansas ash
fraxinus profunda [3] ash, pumpkin ash, red ash
fraxinus purpusii [1] ashiquete
fraxinus quadrangulata [4] blue ash, ash, green ash, virginia ash
fraxinus rhynchophylla [1] chinese ash
fraxinus rotundifolium [1] round-leaf ash
fraxinus sambucifolia [4] nova scotia ash, swamp ash, ground ash, hoop ash
fraxinus sieboldiana [5] ash, asiatic ash, tamo ash, japanese tamo ash, japanese ash
fraxinus spp. [3] ash, antung ash, narrow-leaved ash
fraxinus syriaca [2] syrian ash, israelian ash
fraxinus texensis [2] texas ash, mountain ash
fraxinus uhdei [6] tropical ash, shamelash, hawaiian ash, evergreen ash, shamel ash, mexican ash
fraxinus velutina [10] toumey ash, smooth ash, velvet ash, violet ash, native ash, arizona ash, ash, desert ash, modesto ash, leatherleaf ash